Sunday, March 15, 2015

Video shows that peacocks are very alert

Notice the "flighty" awareness of the blue peachick as it eats a handful of seeds presented at the back door of our Poinsettia Heights house.

The bird seems to respond to the least noise, including a shout from down the block and the whispered voices of my daughter and her boyfriend as she shot this video.

Even the movement of the white, mother peahen in the background causes the peachick to jump.

Notice, too, the almost soundless "peep" the bird makes itself. We've noticed before how this sound is almost completely directionless; hard to tell where it's coming from, something that no doubt aids peahens in finding their chicks but does little to direct predators to the target.

I've taken to calling this bird Blue Bird, now that there is only one blue peachick left alive to name. My wife, Bonnie, is trying to push for the far grander name "Lord Byron."

Thing is, everyone on the block will have their own name for the bird; Blue Bird at least will eliminate any doubt which bird we mean when we discuss the peacocks with our neighbors!

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