Concern that Mr. Bird, the original Poinsettia Heights peacock, has been losing blood caused us to schedule an appointment with exotic animal veterinarian Dr. Renata Schneider.
To prepare for this, David went to the local bait and tackle shop and bought a fishing net. Big as it was, no one thought it was big enough for a full feathered male peacock, so it wasn't used. Instead, neighbor Laurie volunteered to make the tackle. After only a few moments of excitement she had her arms around him. Then it was into a pet carrier borrowed from the Wildlife Care Center to wait for the doctor.

The amazing thing is how they put him in a trance. In order to weigh him, the vet tech tucked his head under his wing and put her hand over his eyes. This totally calmed him and put him in what they called a trance. The tech was able to take her hands off him and for a minute -- she didn't want to risk it any longer on the chance he'd perk up and get away -- he stayed there totally calm, with head tucked in.

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